Everything you need to know about substitution

Working flexibly with Deliveroo means you choose exactly how you work. As outlined in your supplier agreement, this includes being able to choose to appoint other people to complete orders for you.

When you appoint a substitute it’s your responsibility to make sure that this person meets all of the requirements to work with Deliveroo, as set out in your supplier agreement. This includes checking the following information about your substitute:

  • Is at least 18 years of age
  • Is a Singaporean or a Permanent Resident
  • Motorcyclists hold valid commercial vehicle insurance and driving license
  • Has not previously had a supplier agreement with Deliveroo terminated due to a material breach of its terms
  • Uses equipment that meets our safety standards

You can always send your substitute a link to this website where they can learn about these subjects as well as all the information provided to you at onboarding.

Deliveroo operates a zero-tolerance policy towards anyone who fails to meet their obligations in relation to any substitute engaged by them.

Why it’s important

It’s important that you make sure your substitute meets these requirements to work with Deliveroo – otherwise your account may be closed and you won't be able to work with Deliveroo in the future. 

To keep your account secure and ensure only substitutes that meet these requirements work with us, we’re rolling out identity verification in the rider app. Look out for the in-app message and be sure to complete the check for yourself and your substitutes, to keep your rider account open.

For any questions, contact us.