Occasionally some customers contact Deliveroo to say their order has never arrived, but their rider confirmed it was delivered in the app. We realise this can be a frustrating and confusing experience for riders, and that’s why we’re introducing a new way for you to confirm that an order has been delivered.
From now on for some orders you will be asked to enter a two digit confirmation code in the app:
The customer will be sent this code while they wait for you to arrive.
You will need to ask the customer for their code and enter it to complete the delivery.
This simple process will allow us to confirm that the customer did personally collect their order if they try to get in touch with us later to say they didn’t, without having to ask you what happened.
If for any reason the customer can’t give you their code, or refuses to share it with you, you should deliver the order as normal and contact Rider Support who will be able to confirm the delivery for you.